
Course Title:

Introduction to Computational Media (p5js)

Required Textbook:

No textbook is required. and reference therein available will serve as the main resource throughout the year. Lessons are adapted from shared online sources, cs4all, as well as Make: Getting Started with p5.js by McCarthy, Reas, and Fry.


Use school email available in the school staff directory.


No prior computer science or coding experience required. A basic comfort level with computers and web is necessary.


  • A computing device (Mac, Windows, Chromebook) with internet access is necessary.
  • Chrome browser is preferred.
  • p5js web editor

Course Goals

This course is sponsored by Computer Science for All initiative. The main principle that drives this course is that code can be a medium for creative expression (cs4all).

Brief Topic Outline

  • Coding Environment
  • Drawing
  • Animation
  • Variables
  • Interaction
  • Translate, Rotate, Scale
  • Media
  • Motion
  • Functions
  • Objects
  • Arrays
  • Data Visualization


  • Students are expected to learn from various sources, including online reference, videos, forums, peers, and from playing with code.
  • Students should come to class on time and prepared with all necessary supplies, be productive during class time, maintain a positive attitude and be polite to all members of the classroom.
  • Students are expected to respect the equipment.
  • It is important to be paying attention during lessons and explanations. Periodically, you will be asked to either turn off your monitor or turn your seats towards the front board.
  • Academic Honesty: Copying someone else’s work and presenting as your own will earn a score of zero for all parties involved. This includes copying code from the internet. There is acceptable use and this will be discussed in class.
  • You must adhere to the deadlines given for all activities. Expect a deduction of 10% for each day the assignment is late.

Grading Policy

Grade distribution will follow the school-wide grading policy for elective courses for the current year. Lab activities and project assessments will make up a large portion of the grade. Written grading policy will be provided at the start of the classes. Review this information in the Student Handbook as well.

School Policies

Review schoolwide policies, for example, electronics use policy, and academic honesty policy that are available on the school website and the Student Handbook. These will be highlighted at the beginning of the class year.