08 Arcs and Custom Shapes

How can I make my own shapes?


arc( ), beginShape( ), beginContour( ), Vertex, curveVertex( ), Unit Circle, angleMode( ), fill( ‘htmlColorName’), favicon, site meta description

Study Questions

  1. Why might we need angleMode(DEGREES) and angleMode(RADIANS)?
  2. Are there mode changes for other shapes? Give examples. Consult the p5js reference.
  3. What is the role of perspective in problem-solving?
  4. What is an app that you would like to create in the future? Describe what problem exists that your app would solve.


  • Watch Video #1 (below)
  • Create an original emoji. You may search Emojipedia linked below for ideas and think about an emoji expression that you always look for. For example, I would like an emoji for the expression “carry on”, “rolling along”, or “back to work”. Thinking about your culture/ traditions/ holidays/ language-specific-sayings might be helpful to get ideas. Print out grid-paper to map your ideas.
  • Code the emoji.
  • Create a styled webpage that gives your emoji center stage and is cohesive with the emotion of the emoji that you’ve created.
  • Use utility classes in css as necessary.
  • Make your website responsive (meaning it should scale to different sizes and adjust its content to best style for the different screen size) using flexbox and media queries.
    • Do color changes for the sections when the width of the site goes below 600px.
  • Make sure to give a TITLE to the website, use a favicon, and write a meta description in the head section. A favicon generator is linked below.
  • Comment sections of your code in all files.


  • Read about the Pacman game on wikipedia.
  • Create an original Pacman maze. This replaces only emoji part and rest of the project website is the same.


  1. Video: 08 Arcs and Custom Shapes
  2. Video: How do you make an emoji?
  3. Link: Emojipedia
  4. Link: HTML color names
  5. Link: Pacman on wikipedia
  6. Link: More about Curves from p5js.org
  7. Link: Favicon Generator