10 Color

How can we add a splash of color to our canvas?


colorMode( ), RGB, HSB, HSL, RGBa, fill(RED, GREEN, BLUE, alpha), Opacity, Hexadecimal, HTML named colors, blendMode( ), web accessibility

Study Questions

  1. Can RGB and HSB color modes produce the same colors?
  2. What are color harmony rules?
  3. How is code a medium for creative expression?
  4. List some ways that you can make your site more ‘accessible’?


  • Watch Video #1 (below)
  • Create a sketch on the theme “Color / Impact of”. This sketch can incorporate all the topics that we’ve learned so far - text, poetry, shapes, color etc. Describe your composition and its meaning in a multi-line comment at the top of the program.
    • Name your sketch and comment your code.
    • Discuss the answers to study questions.


  1. Video: 09 Color in p5.js
  2. Link: Adobe Color Wheel / HexColor Picker Tool / HTML color names with/ RGB / Color Picker with modes
  3. Link: The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Online Exhibit: Connections
  4. Link: Color at p5js.org
  5. Link: Color Pairings
  6. Link: Color Theory for Designers (Use the reader view, if available, to avoid advertisements)
  7. Link: Web AIM - Contrast Checker