36 - Is there a fine line to p-value?

Is hypothesis testing a yes|no question? Explain.


Chapter 21 # 5, 19, 21, Read chapter 21


alpha level, Type I error, Type II error, statistically significant, significance level, power, effect size

Study Questions

  1. Does statistical significance provide proof and/or signify importance? Explain.
  2. How are hypothesis tests and confidence intervals related?
  3. What does the critical value have to do with alpha level?
  4. How does sample size impact the power of the test?
  5. What are a type I and type II errors?


  1. Link: There’s a debate raging in science about what should count as “significant” at arstechnica.com
  2. Slide Deck: 36-Is-there-a-fine-line-to-p-value.pdf