
Course Title:

AP Statistics

Required Textbook:

Stats Modeling the World 3rd Edition by Bock, Velleman, and De Veaux.

Formulas and Tables for AP Statistics (2020) - Link to CollegeBoard resource


Use school email available in the school staff directory.


Algebra I and hardworking attitude


  • A Graphing Calculator is required on the AP exams. I strongly suggest that you purchase your own for use in class and home. The recommended calculator is TI84+
  • A Notebook for Practices.

Students who are enrolled in AP Statistics are expected to

  • Describe patterns and departures from patterns;
  • Plan and conduct a study;
  • Explore random phenomena using probability and simulation; and
  • Estimate population parameters and test hypotheses.

CollegeBoard Course Overview

Course Goals

Advanced Placement courses adopt College Board guidelines. Goals set forth in this framework are met by this course.

Attendance and Attention

AP Statistics is a rigorous, college-level course that requires excellent daily attendance and attention for successful completion. Come to class ready having done previous nights’ Practice and Study Questions. Moreover, disturbances in class hinder everyone’s learning. Sometimes you may be frustrated if solutions don’t come easy so seek help but do not interrupt and be supportive of the efforts of your classmates and the instructor.

Integrity and Excellence

I want to hear your ideas. Class needs your ideas. To make an idea grow requires a lot of hard work. You may sometimes be fully frustrated at your repeated attempts to create solutions and proofs for your ideas. These attempts add to your understanding and increase your ability to eloquently relay the idea. Also, sometimes you must ask questions and seek help from your teacher or your classmates. You are encouraged to do so. However, copying someone else’s work and presenting it as your own is a violation of academic integrity.

Practice and Participation

Study notes and do the practice questions for the current lesson to be ready for the next day. There won’t be any special announcements or reminders each day about Practice. Unannounced learning checks may include Practice questions. Complete all Practice assignments including those for which you may have been absent from class. Use this website to figure out exactly what you have missed on your day of absence. If you have an excused absence with a doctor’s note, refer to the Grading Policy about make-up work. Further, you are encouraged to collaborate with your classmates. However, try to do all problems yourself, to maximize your understanding. The learning-checks will test your understanding of the concepts and you will be at a disadvantage if you do not gain the practice and knowledge. Missing work due to an absence and lateness can affect the classwork, participation, and Practice portions of the grade. Show a note for an absence to the teacher on the day of return to class.

Learning Checks

You must complete every learning check. If you are absent on the day of a learning check, bring a note from a doctor or your parents and a make-up will be given on the day you return to class. No extra time will be given should you come late to class on the day without a note. Quick Checks may be regular and unannounced.

Grading Policy

Specific grade distribution will follow the school-wide grading policy for elective courses for the current year. This will be provided at the start of the classes. Review this information in the Student Handbook as well.

Resources and Extra-Help

Explanation videos as well as a variety of perspectives on concepts are present openly on YouTube and other math forum platforms; these are a google search away. It is often beneficial to see different explanations for the same ideas. Moreover, a full list of lessons along with study questions and other helpful resources are available on this website. Use them to help with your studies.

School Policies

Review schoolwide policies, for example, electronics use policy, and academic honesty policy that are available on the school website and the Student Handbook. These will be highlighted at the beginning of the class year.